Tuesday Announcements

Tomorrow, December 1, Ralls Co Health Dept will be giving student flu shots.  They will begin at the elementary school at 9:00 am and then move to the high school.  Only students that have a signed permission form will receive the shot.  

The Fall Fruit Fundraising pick-up for FFA will be on Tuesday December 7th after school until 6:30 PM (DO NOT wait till exactly 6:30 to come and pick-up your items). Please make sure to make arrangements to pick-up your items that evening and deliver to your customers because they are fresh products. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Crader or Mr. Stuedle. 

The December FFA Meeting will be this Friday (December 3rd) at 6:30 PM in Mr. Stuedle's Classroom. The meeting will be a white elephant gift exchange. Please bring something wrapped from your house that you no longer want anymore for someone else to take home with them. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Crader or Mr. Stuedle. 

Concession stand for tonight's games:  STUCO (Jones, Childs) 

Winter Formal will be held at the Catholic Hall on December 4th from 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM.  If you are bringing a guest, you will need to fill out a form from the office and return it to the office.  If you have any music requests, please email them to Mr. Rost anytime this week.

If you’re attending Winter Formal you MUST be in an attendance of school for the FULL day on Friday, December 3.  

High School Students planning on attending Winter Formal must have all their negative Fines/Fees, lunch account and class dues paid in full to attend. 

This next checkpoint from October 27th until November 30th impacts your ability to attend Winter Formal on December 4th.  If you are on the watchlist or out of good standing, please keep that in mind if you are wanting to attend.

The Project Prom Fundraiser must be turned in to the high school office on Tuesday, November 30 by 3:30 pm. Thanks.

Juniors to go to winter formal you must have 20 dollars of your dues paid.   Make sure to give this to Mrs. Cross.

NHS seniors - NHS offers 600 scholarships for a total of 2 million dollars to active members of their NHS chapter.  The deadline is December 1, 2021.  See Mrs. Winders for more details.

FCA meeting Wednesday morning, December 1st at 7:20 a.m.  Come for food, fun, fellowship and faith.  Mrs Cross room.  Hope to see you there. 

Freshmen: your fundraising form and money are due to a class sponsor by the end of the day on Tuesday, 11/30. This will ensure that your items are delivered to school before Christmas break begins. 

EAP Teacher: Winders, Cross and Weiss

Tuesday, November 30

2nd Quarter Mid-term.

JVB/VG/VB Basketball at home against S. Callaway at 5:00 pm. Gate Duty: M. Ulrich/D. Taylor

Wednesday, December 1
Central Christian College of the Bible college visit during lunch.
FBLA Movie Night at 6:00 pm.

Thursday, December 2
JVB/VG/VB away at Louisiana at 5:00 pm. Bus leaves at 3:55.

Friday, December 3
FFA Meeting at 6:30 pm.

Saturday, December 4
Winter Formal at Catholic Hall at 7:00 pm. 

Monday, December 6
Teacher PD.
VG Basketball begins Centralia Tournament vs Boonville at 4:30 pm. Bus leaves at TBA.
VB Basketball begins Centralia Tournament vs Harrisburg at 4:30 pm. Bus leaves at TBA.
7B/8B Basketball at home against Elsberry at 5:30 pm. Gate Duty: A Noel
JHG A-Team/B-Team away at Elsberry at 6:00 pm. Bus leaves at 4:15.