Wednesday Announcements

The Show-Me Dough fundraiser items will be here today at 3:00 pm. Beth Straube will bring it to you. Items ned to be in the freezer by 5:30 pm. Please let Beth know if you need help delivering.

Redskin king games are going to look a little different this year. Each class will select 2 boys that will make a music video. The music video must include the redskin king candidates only in it and be submitted to Mrs. McCurdy by 8 am on Monday, December 21st. Your class sponsors will be coordinating the selection of the candidates and Mrs. McCurdy will get you further information and rules.

If you are a member of National Honor Society, please stop and see Mrs. Winders before or after school THIS WEEK! I need to see every member! Thanks!

Winter Team Sports pictures will be taken on December 17 after school. Make sure you have your uniforms.

Project Prom Quilt Raffle tickets are available at the office for all Junior and Seniors, please stop by and pick up.

Student flu shot clinic will be on Friday Dec 11th. We will begin at the Elem at 10:00am, then proceed to the HS. ALL students must have a purple signed parent permission form.

NJHS and NHS are hosting a FOOD DRIVE from December 8-18 to help those in need during the Holiday Season. This will be a Class Competition so bring your canned goods to your Class Sponsors by the 18th. The Class that wins will be given a reward the week before we leave for Christmas Break. JH Students can bring theirs to Mrs. Robinson.

CLASS SPONSORS: If you don't mind, your Class will be bringing you canned goods to help with the FOOD DRIVE. Please keep them in your rooms until the end of school on December 18th and then we will gather them together. Thank you so much for your time and cooperation

We will be holding Saturday Detention for those needing to make up attendance on Saturday, December 5, from 8:00 a.m.- 11:00 p.m. Doors will lock at 8:00 a.m. so you need to arrive a few minutes early.Sign up on the bulletin board across from the office.

The ACT test will be given on December 12th. Test begins at 8:00 am, doors will be locked.

EAP Teacher: Robinson & Winders

Lunch Today: Chicken patty or Spicy Chicken patty; Popcorn chicken wrap; Cobb salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.

Lunch Tomorrow: Super Nachos; Ham and cheese wrap; Chicken bacon ranch salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.

Wednesday, December 9

JH Girls-A & B team/JH Boys-A team away at Silex at 5:00 pm. Bus leaves at 3:00.

Thursday, December 10

VB basketball play at Monroe City Tournament vs Palmyra at 7:00 pm. Bus leaves at TBA.

Canceled - VG basketball play at Monroe City Tournament.

JH G/B (4 GAME NIGHT) Basketball away at Mark Twain at 5:30 pm. Bus leaves at 4:10.

Friday, December 11

Flu Shots will be given.

JH 8G/8B Basketball at home against Montgomery Co. at 5:30 pm. Gate Duty: Z. Keller

Saturday, December 12

ACT Test at 8:00 am. Doors lock at 8:00.

Saturday Detention from 8:00 to 11:00 am.

JH B/G Basketball ball at Mexico MS Tournament. 

Monday, December 14

JVG-VG BB away at North Callaway at 5:00pm. Bus leaves at 3:15.

JH 7th/8th Boys BB at home against Clopton at 5:30 pm. Gate Duty: ??